Connor's 2nd Halloween was a blast! We had heard from our new neighbors that Halloween was amazing in our neighborhood - and it didn't disappoint! There was a pizza party at the pool for the kids (2 doors down from us) and then the kids were released to trick-or-treat. We had a HUGE rush of kids right away since we were the 2nd house they hit then there were a few here and there. It was so fun to see the kids costumes and to meet more of our neighbors!
Connor went dressed as a giraffe and Mattie was a chef. I'm glad we picked out a warm outfit for Connor because it was 40 degrees!! After our rush of trick-or-treaters, Connor enjoyed a wagon ride around the neighborhood to show off his costume. Other that than, he really enjoyed dumping the candy bowl out and refilling it - over and over again.
We hope you had a fun Halloween and got lots of treats! Here are some photos from Halloween: