Tuesday, July 2, 2013

11 Weeks

Connor is now 11 weeks and starting new things everyday!  The most exciting news: he sleeps through the night!!!  He started going about 8 hours at 8 weeks and is now up to 10 hours!  We're hoping and praying our sleepless nights with middle of the night feedings are over :)

Here is what Connor has been up to over the past few weeks:

We have heard that babies love to be in an infant carrier so we tried ours out with him... his happiness lasted for about 3 minutes.  We will have to keep practicing to see if he starts to enjoy it!

 Keith trying out the carrier

We have started to do more "tummy time" with Connor but he tends to get lazy and takes naps instead sometimes!  Keith had the great idea of putting down a small pillow that helps him to keep himself up, awake, and strengthening his neck!

 Tummy Time is obviously hard work...

My friend, Allie, sent Connor an adorable swimsuit and matching hat - I had to try it on him to make sure it fits for his upcoming trip to the cabin in northern Minnesota!  I think it's a go (until he learns to take the hat off I'm sure)!

Ready for the lake!

One of my Little Sisters from my sorority, Emily, came to Atlanta for a wedding so she and her brother stopped by to meet her "great nephew" as she calls him.

Connor loved playing with Emily!

He loves tubby time each night.  Recently, he learned that if he kicks his legs, it splashes all over - on the counters, mirror, floor, mommy, daddy, etc.  As you can see, it's all fun and games until he splashes himself in the face...

Not a fan of splashing himself in the face

He's so funny with his spontaneous smiles.  These are becoming more frequent and melt my heart each time he grins while his whole face!


We are excited for what the rest of this week has in store - we are having a 4th of July BBQ with some friends with lawn games.  Connor will get to see some of his friends too - I'm sure we'll have some pictures to post of them!

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