Thursday, September 19, 2013

5 Months!

September 17th marked Connor's 5 month birthday!  He continues to become more and more fun, curious, and animated each day.

He now weighs just over 16 pounds and wears clothes in the 6-9 month range.  He is so funny when he eats solids - he gulps down half a jar of baby food in just a few minutes.  With that, he has become a lot less excited about his bottle formula (seems logical to me - baby food has way more flavor!) but he still gets most of his nutrition from formula.  

At 5 months, Connor loves:
* playing on his tummy
* reading books
* putting all toys/blankets in his mouth
* trying to scoot (unsuccessful thus far)
* watching football with daddy and friends
* going on walks
* jumping in his exersaucer
* all flavors of baby food he's tried

He currently dislikes:
* being on his back - he flips immediately to his tummy
* being strapped into his carseat (well, until we start moving on a walk or in the car)

Connor is currently working on sitting up on his own, which seems very inconsistent - he is easily distracted and falls over toward the distraction!

Here are some pictures I took to show his growth at 5 months:


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