Saturday, November 16, 2013

7 Months!

Connor turns 7 months tomorrow!

He is growing and moving around like crazy.  He has pretty big feet - already in 12-24 month size socks!  Hopefully these boats will help him walk easier in a few months?  His eyes have turned brown and he has started to grow a little bit of hair, mainly on the back of his head.  His 3rd tooth is peaking through his gums on top, which is evident with his fussiness the past few days.

Connor currently loves:
* Sitting up on his own
* Laughing
* Following Mattie around
* Shoelaces
* Bananas and sweet potatoes
* Army crawling - everywhere
* Attempting to use his sippy cup, which usually ends up with him soaking wet!
* Screaming then laughing at himself
* Babbling - most popular sounds are "Dada", "Baba", "Blah Blah"

He is still a pretty happy baby (given that he is on his eating/sleeping schedule).

We have an exciting holiday season coming up and we are so excited to celebrate Connor's first Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year with both of our families!

Here are some pictures to show his growth at 7 months (which were hard to take because he is so squirmy... and please excuse the huge scratch he gave himself on his forehead!):

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