Sunday, February 23, 2014

10 Months!

Yes - I'm a bit late posting this... sorry!  Things have been a bit hectic around here lately.  Connor has recovered from RSV and has been a very happy little guy lately. I'm still in a cast for two more weeks so we've been spending lots of time with my mom, as she is here to help out!  Since the weather has been so nice, Connor has enjoyed many walks with Grandma Cathy and Mattie!

Connor turned 10 months on Monday!  He is just such a funny little guy.  He loves chasing balls around, laughing, babbling, turning the volume up/down on the TV, eating waffles, and knocking around his toys.

He still doesn't like the vacuum, eating green beans or peas (do you blame him?), or getting his diaper changed.

Here are some photos to show his growth at 10 months:


1 comment:

  1. Look at all those "teef"!!! Can't wait to see videos of him walking, when the time comes! xo, FLUN
