Wednesday, June 19, 2013

2 Months

It's true what everyone says... "It gets easier when your baby hits 8 weeks."  I can't tell you how many times I've heard that but it's absolutely true!

Connor turned 2 months old on Monday!  He had a 2 month pediatrician appointment where he weight in at 13 pounds and 24 inches, both in the 90th percentile... my dreams of a Gator football player are still looking good! :)

He is really starting to develop a cute little personality.  His spontaneous smile is contagious and he's fun to talk to because he makes faces back at you (he's probably secretly thinking I'm crazy but that's ok)!  He continues to fall more in love with his MamaRoo swing and sometimes prefers to be in there than in your arms.  He continues to eat a lot and is starting to sleep through the night - his record is 8.5 hours!

One of Connor's many new faces

 He's getting so big!

He has started to make a pouty face before he cries - it's cute and sad at the same time!

We hope you and your family are enjoying your summer!  We are continuing to go on walks with Connor but since it's so hot and humid here, they are getting shorter and more frequent!

Monday, June 17, 2013

Father's Day

Keith's first Father's Day was full of fun and excitement!  We started out at church with a Parent Commissioning/Baby Dedication where we committed to raise Connor in a Christian home.  He slept through the whole thing (surprise, surprise!) and woke up when we got home.

For his dedication, the parents choose a life verse for the child and we chose 1 Samuel 1: 27-28 for Connor:

"I prayed for this child, and the Lord has granted me what I asked of him.  So now I give him to the Lord.  For his whole life he will be given over to the Lord."

After church, we had the Slagles over for lunch that included grilling chicken/shrimp/veggie kabobs, broccoli salad, twice baked buffalo chicken potatoes (a new recipe from Kyle that was amazing!!), and homemade ice cream for dessert.  Of course lunch was followed up by watching the golf US Open and playing with Connor.

Keith's first Father's Day!

Daddy and Grandpa Ed

Grandma and Grandpa Slagle

I was so excited that my main entree, which were new recipes courtesy for Pinterest, turned out so good that I had to take a picture!

Teriyaki Chicken and Veggie Kabobs

Bangin' Shrimp Skewers

Happy Father's Day to all of the great dads that we know out there!  We hope you had a great day celebrating fatherhood!

Monday, June 3, 2013

6 Weeks + Family

The past few weeks have been very busy for us but filled with lots of family fun!

Connor had his one month check-up at the Pediatrician, which was at 5 weeks (now he's almost 7 weeks so I'm sure he's bigger)... he was 11 pounds, 5 ounces (95th percentile), 22.5 inches (75th percentile) and head 15 inches (50th percentile).  Needless to say, he is definitely a growing boy!  He has developed a preference for laying on the left side of his head so we are having to monitor to make sure he lays on both sides so he does not get a permanent flat side on his head, which is easier said than done.  He has started to sleep a bit longer each night which has been great but now we are working on getting him in a napping routine so it's not so sporadic during the day.

Keith's grandparents and Aunt Beth came to town before the rest of the Kansas City crew.  Keith was out of town for work that week so Connor got to spend some relaxing time with his great grandparents, which was a big help to me!

Connor with Great Grandma Mueller

 Connor with Great Grandpa Mueller

Connor and his Great Aunt Beth

That Saturday, the rest of the Kansas City crew arrived - Cody, Amie, Sara, Kyle, Diane, Danny.  While they were here, we enjoyed spending time with them, shopping, grilling out, having a low country boil (my favorite - lots of shrimp!), hiking, golfing, and of course holding Connor!  Here are some pictures that were taken by our friend, Katie, at our Memorial Day cookout with family and friends:

The whole Mueller side crew - (left to right): Amie Eppler, Kyle Slagle, me, Keith, Beth Eppler, Linda Slagle, Ginny Mueller, Ed Slagle, Russell Mueller, Connor Slagle, Diane Fouraker, Cody Fouraker, Dan Fouraker, Kyle Love, and Sara Love

The Girls with Grandpa Mueller

Keith, Connor, and me with two of his great grandparents

 The Georgia Slagles

 Our little family :)

 Slagle Kids

Connor slept through all of the pictures :)

When we originally had Connor's newborn photos taken, the bow tie that my mom ordered wasn't here yet - so Katie graciously offered to take those pictures when we received the tie!  Days before these pictures, Connor received a Gator themed orange/blue tie from Kendall Johnson so we had to include it!

Last week, the Snyder family had some exciting news - Connor has a new cousin!  Baby Charlie was born on Wednesday, May 29 which makes him and Connor exactly 6 weeks apart - how fun that will be to have them grow up so close in age!  Michelle and Chip sent us this picture - how cute is our new nephew?!

Charles "Charlie" Arthur Snyder :)