Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Snow Baby!

Connor is constantly on the move these days.

We went to the doctor for his 9 month check-up and they said that he needs more fat in his diet so now in addition to his normal baby food and bottles he gets yogurt, macaroni and cheese, waffles, and anything else he can pick up.  His current favorite food is waffles - he gobbles them right up!  We have also learned a new trick when he doesn't want to eat... if you sing him "The Itsy Bitsy Spider" he will eat until you stop!  No other songs work - just that one... needless to say, mommy and daddy are a bit sick of this song!

I think it's safe to say that he hates peas:

Connor plays so hard that he falls asleep right away.  He loves walking with his walker... he will do this for hours on end... which is a workout for all involved because he gets himself stuck in corners and can't reverse so you have to chase him around... I guess this is a sign of what's to come - yikes!

Here is a video of him with his walker:

Earlier today, when Keith was playing with Connor, he wouldn't stop making this hilarious sound when Keith tickled his chin:

Here in Atlanta, we had a BIG snowstorm (aka 2-3 inches), which is a BIG deal in Atlanta.  So, naturally, we took Connor outside to play!  He is a seasoned veteran with the snow since he spent Christmas vacation in Minnesota... so we made due with our resourches in ATL!  Keith took him "sledding" outside in a laundry basket with a dog leash pulling it... they obviously don't sell sleds in the south :)

Here are some pictures of "Snowpocalypse 2014"

We hope you and your family/friends stayed safe during this crazy winter week!!

Today made me very thankful that Keith has the flexibility to work from home and that I am able to be a stay-at-home mom with Connor!  The perks of starting my own embroidery business (The Orange Monogram) out of our home is another plus!!

Friday, January 17, 2014

9 Months!

Our not-so-little guy is 9 months today!

I haven't posted in a while so there's tons on here :)

Lately, he cannot be contained - he is constantly on the move or squirming away.  This sure makes diaper changing a challenge!  He has started to get more teeth and has been pretty fussy when we try to feed him baby food - which ends up in a mess!

I'm beginning to wonder when he will ever get hair - still a baldy!  Good thing Grandma Cathy bought him a few cute hats to cover him in these colder months!

He has such a funny little personality.  It seems like he knows right from wrong (even though I'm sure he doesn't)... when he finds something we've taken away before, he just looks at you and smiles and tries to sprint away with it.

At 9 months, Connor LOVES:
* Cheerios
* Playing with Mattie
* Pulling himself up on furniture
* Chasing balls around the house
* Pulling up his foam puzzle floor and chewing on it
* Babbling and making new noises

He currently DISLIKES:
* Eating from a spoon - he likes to feed himself but isn't always successful
* Peas
* Vacuum sound

Here are some pictures to show his growth progress at 9 months:


He thinks he's funny because he flipped the block so his name is spelled wrong :)

We have also taken a few videos of him over the past few weeks.

The first is of Connor playing with his best friend, Mattie:

The second video is of Connor deciding to use his walker - with assistance from daddy of course:

On the 13th, Grandma Cathy had a layover in Atlanta for a few hours so we were able to meet her for lunch and shopping near the airport!

I joined a women's weekday bible study at our church so Connor will get to play with his friends at church for an extra few hours each week!  He wears himself out there and takes a long nap when he gets home which is fantastic for me!